2012年5月5日 星期六

[外絮] Joakim Noah injured in Game 3

作者: ookkla (寅) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Joakim Noah injured in Game 3
時間: Sat May 5 12:11:23 2012



PHILADELPHIA -- Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah turned his left ankle during
the third quarter of Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals against
the Philadelphia 76ers on Friday night.

Eastern Conference Playoffs
Get all the news and commentary on the Bulls-76ers matchup on ESPN.com's
matchup page.

Noah raced down the floor with 7:47 remaining in the quarter and rolled his
ankle while going up for a layup against Sixers' guard Andre Iguodala's foot.
He writhed in pain for a few moments on the floor as Philadelphia fans

Iguodala was called for a foul and Noah remained in the game, knocking down
both free throws. A few seconds later, Noah tried to run down the floor, but
his discomfort was apparent and he exited soon after.

Noah returned in the third quarter and scored, but it didn't appear he would
be able to play much the rest of the way. He was taken out with eight minutes
left in the quarter and was ruled out for the rest of the game.

Backup center Omer Asik came in and Noah limped gingerly back to the locker
room. Noah has 10 points and seven rebounds.


公牛再傷下去 真的要被老八掉了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ rkbey :縮水賽季...  05/05 12:12
→ ckshchen :老八七六人打得公牛五四三準備二一  05/05 12:12
推 hoppenny :已經是第幾個受傷了..  05/05 12:12
推 henryhsuan :這痛爆了.........  05/05 12:13
推 GianniC :這球Iggy應該有犯規吧  05/05 12:13
→ auron4041 :熱火那三隻還是跟鋼彈一樣  05/05 12:13
推 GianniC :原來這就是傳說中的擊墜嗎 擊墜魂!!!!!!!  05/05 12:15
→ kyoforever :到總冠軍時變成兩隊教練1對1...  05/05 12:15
推 bfetter :二樓...... 冏  05/05 12:16
→ peelgates :先恭喜火火連霸東區總冠軍  05/05 12:16
→ ckshchen :幹嘛跳過三打三鬥牛模式  05/05 12:16
推 iverson0303 :我要壓76了  05/05 12:16
推 uuyayafish :二樓有梗!!  05/05 12:17
→ fegat :今年連大聯盟closer都可以跑去接球斷韌帶了...  05/05 12:17
推 yggub :超討厭Noah 掰掰!  05/05 12:17
推 chsh320 :爽耶 哈哈  05/05 12:18
推 accjm2440 :公牛是中邪喔....  05/05 12:18
→ shiang130013:看到超痛的啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  05/05 12:18
→ uuyayafish :也許2012世界末日預言是運動員的世界末日...  05/05 12:18
→ wincecarter :熱火今年超爽 我看躺著打就東區冠軍了  05/05 12:18
→ uuyayafish :NBA跟MLB都傷兵多道誇張  05/05 12:18
推 cutlife8 :紐超大的啦 看起來好痛.....  05/05 12:18
推 F11 :爽啦 公牛一輪掰  05/05 12:19
推 l12112 :一週兩傷三戰四五人替補對方多拿六七八分  05/05 12:20
推 whizsatan :二樓GJ!  05/05 12:21
→ keepstudying:不用玩了  05/05 12:21
推 otsuka123 :腿整個掰開 爽死了  05/05 12:21
→ ppppllo :挖考 這腳... 天阿  05/05 12:24
推 HAKIM :幹 這一摔真的把東區冠軍摔掉  05/05 12:25
推 junyanlee :最後看樣子好像傷勢還算OK?  05/05 12:25
推 black205 :快!!快出個對子對死他(誤  05/05 12:25
推 ricky110777 :老八七六人打得公牛五四三準備二一  05/05 12:26
推 V12 :2樓厲害  05/05 12:26
推 mea7211 :腳這種拗法 至少也會是肌腱拉傷…沒把肌腱拉斷已經是  05/05 12:26
→ mea7211 :萬幸了…  05/05 12:26
→ chinhan1216 :公牛是季後賽的拓荒者吧  05/05 12:27
推 V12 :好痛  05/05 12:28
→ marlonlai :而且他腳都跛了後來還有上場打 看到都傻眼了  05/05 12:28
→ ppppllo :第二個指標性人物..公牛真的很慘  05/05 12:29
推 precipitate :剛好重心全壓在那隻腳...雖  05/05 12:31
推 whitemist :好痛............  05/05 12:32
推 harry200233 :看到都揪了一下............  05/05 12:33
→ isaveyou :看來東區就是熱火了  05/05 12:34
推 cooldunk :他的腳跟本是鐵打泥號沉沒呀..翻大船呀...XD  05/05 12:35
推 jds2518 :ckshchen :老八七六人打得公牛五四三準備二一 XD  05/05 12:35
→ twpunkboy :幹 這痛死了...  05/05 12:35
推 jeanpp :尼克:........ 七六:老八好好不當硬要老七  05/05 12:36
推 caesst85149 :希望Noah沒事 公牛和法國的禁區很需要他  05/05 12:37
→ l2l :尼克鐵齒也沒辦法  05/05 12:39
→ rosebulls :借轉主力傷兵板  05/05 12:39
※ rosebulls:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 05/05 12:39
推 offish :ckshchen :老八七六人打得公牛五四三準備二一  05/05 12:41
→ offish :不愧是十強讀者!  05/05 12:43
推 rcrab :這樣還能站起來跳,NBA球員的身體素質真恐怖,要是我  05/05 12:46
→ rcrab :要是我至少休息一個月起跳  05/05 12:47
推 moon963 :噁心 超恐怖連結  05/05 12:47
推 redsquirrel :公雞牌的籃球鞋耶!!  05/05 12:48
噓 Tzwei :靠 恐怖聯結  05/05 12:48
推 Shaq32 : 開始喜歡小AI了  05/05 12:50
噓 KobeIchiro :一姑搭辣真的擊墜了...  05/05 12:55
噓 miksim :擊墜星星+1  05/05 13:03
推 tony77998 :伊姑!!!伊姑!!!伊姑!!!  05/05 13:04
推 y1027330 :好痛喔...... 看到心都揪了一下= =''  05/05 13:07
推 jessicameng :他最近打得不錯說  05/05 13:09
推 ice80712 :看起來超痛...  05/05 13:14
推 gohit :二樓對的超有梗 XDDDDDDDDD  05/05 13:15
推 muselin :靠 光看影片就覺得好痛 超大翻  05/05 13:15
推 hsyi :最扯的是他之後還上場= =  05/05 13:20
推 aagun :某些落井下石的推文水準..嘖嘖  05/05 13:25
推 shy801020 :Noah還站得起來 !!!!!  05/05 13:30
推 hater4life :難怪下半場看他跑步怪怪的 原來是...  05/05 13:32
推 HATEBBS :那個慘叫聲是Noah發出來的嗎?(抖)  05/05 13:37
推 zorrle :遇到這種拐子腿要怎樣避免阿? 超容易踩到的阿  05/05 13:38
推 dermis :公牛還是放假去吧 硬撐到超賽 大概全隊只剩Scalabrin  05/05 13:42
推 ooplus :真的掰了  05/05 14:01
推 vetor :二樓超強!  05/05 14:14
→ yobi :好痛,我也這樣過>.<  05/05 14:32
推 myfirstjump :二樓強!!  05/05 14:32
推 lovecmgirls :>二樓太酷惹  05/05 15:01
推 spittz :好痛....冏  05/05 16:47
推 terrykoc :我二月也重心施力下採到別人腳超大翻船....慘爆了...  05/05 17:28
→ micbrimac :年年都有老八看,好精采!  05/05 18:07
推 murray5566 :爽啦 老八 爽 一堆牛迷哭哭喔~~  05/05 18:11
推 lmf770410 :好工整啊  05/05 18:11
推 jj75520 :法國國家隊:X的.. 西班牙國家隊:(拍)  05/05 18:24
推 hassanstar :我覺得老八七六人打得公牛攻勢五四三系列賽二勝一敗  05/05 21:58
→ hassanstar :這樣會不會好一點XD  05/05 21:58

