作者: sawkuanwoo (蘇冠宇) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] David Stern eyes flopping flap
時間: Mon May 14 10:23:27 2012
(Flopping is) not a legitimate play in my judgment. I recognize if there's
contact (you) move a little bit, but some of this is acting. We should give out
Oscars rather than MVP trophies.
-- David Stern, NBA commissioner
It's award season in the NBA but commissioner David Stern is concerned his
league may be veering too close to handing out Oscars.
During Sunday's Eastern Conference semifinal opener between the Miami Heat
and Indiana Pacers, Stern was asked what he thought about comments made by
Pacers coach Frank Vogel in regards to what Vogel considered the Heat's
tendency to flop.
"(Vogel) didn't have a beef; he was just manipulating the refereeing or
trying to," Stern said. "I would have fined him much more than our office did."
While Stern chastised Vogel for on Thursday calling the Heat "the biggest
flopping team in the NBA," he did intimate that he sees merit in the sentiment.
[1;36m"I think it's time to look at (flopping) in a more serious way,"[m Stern
said, [1;36m"because it's only designed to fool the referee. It's not a legitimate [m
[1;36mplay in my judgment. I recognize if there's contact (you) move a little bit, [m
[1;36mbut some of this is acting. We should give out Oscars rather than MVP [m
Vogel is not the only person in the playoffs to call out an opponent for
embellishing contact.
On Friday, Memphis Grizzlies forward Zach Randolph called his team's first
round opponents -- the Los Angeles Clippers -- the league's biggest floppers
"by far," while being interviewed on ESPN Radio's "The Doug Gottlieb Show."
Randolph went so far as to single out Clippers stars Chris Paul and Blake
"It starts with Chris Paul, because Blake didn't really used to flop like
that, you know, last year," Randolph said. "Reggie (Evans) flops, Reggie always
flops. I think it started when Chris got (to the Clippers)."
While Stern didn't call out any specific teams, he did say he has
personally attempted to curb the flopping in the past.
"Some years ago I told the competition committee that we were going to
start fining people for flopping, and then suspending. And I think they almost
threw me out of the room (saying), 'No, let it be.' "
Floppers may not receive any punishment but those that point the finger do,
as Vogel had to enter his team's second-round series with the Heat $15,000
[34;47m 標題 [37;44m [問卦] 有沒有鈦鍺商品的八卦 [40m
[1;37m推 [33mredor[;33m:超有用 我戴不到兩天就長高十公分 [37m11/04 22:09
[1;37m推 [33mDivision[;33m: 可惜地層下陷二十公分 [37m11/04 22:10
[1;31m→ [33msseass[;33m: 但是下面變成3公分 [37m11/04 22:10
[1;31m→ [33mkent[;33m: 還是軟的 [37m11/04 22:11
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: sawkuanwoo 來自: (05/14 10:24)
[1;37m推 [33mteaplus [m[33m:XDDDDD [m 05/14 10:24
[1;37m推 [33mDASHOCK [m[33m:我覺得零容忍也很令人詬病..... [m 05/14 10:25
[1;31m→ [33mhurricano [m[33m:扯到MVP是在暗指某人?? [m 05/14 10:25
[1;37m推 [33mwwywwy [m[33m:可是你剛頒了MVP獎給他了... [m 05/14 10:25
[1;37m推 [33mwii128 [m[33m:屎藤的意思是三小 [m 05/14 10:25
[1;31m→ [33mwurenben [m[33m:他講夠白了,剛拿MVP那位 [m 05/14 10:26
[1;37m推 [33mhowsiao [m[33m:很明顯是在說某個剛拿MVP的演員 [m 05/14 10:26
[1;37m推 [33mqa77330 [m[33m:看來今年就是熱火了 [m 05/14 10:27
[1;37m推 [33moicecnir [m[33m:所以咧..假摔要給T了嗎 [m 05/14 10:27
[1;37m推 [33mlesnaree2 [m[33m:NBA小動作已經這麼久了 是要怎麼管? [m 05/14 10:27
[1;31m噓 [33mzzzaaaqqq111[m[33m:在表他的乾兒子 果然是假摔 [m 05/14 10:27
[1;37m推 [33mnagisanoff [m[33m:零容忍根本就是對小咖的零容忍 大咖怎麼叫常常沒事 [m 05/14 10:27
[1;37m推 [33mpradaad [m[33m:他說要頒影帝給MVP而不是給他拿MVP [m 05/14 10:27
[1;37m推 [33motsuka123 [m[33m:LBJ假摔王 [m 05/14 10:28
[1;31m→ [33msawkuanwoo [m[33m:如果總決賽熱火對快艇,裁判應該會很累,到底該不該判 [m 05/14 10:28
[1;37m推 [33mProakis [m[33m:NBA最具代表性的獎杯 史疼當然以這個為例子阿 [m 05/14 10:28
[1;31m→ [33mProakis [m[33m:酸酸不知道再高潮啥 [m 05/14 10:28
[1;37m推 [33mkilu [m[33m:不然要說我們不應該搬給他得分王? [m 05/14 10:30
[1;37m推 [33mlanver1220 [m[33m:在這個時間點 說話,讓人有無限遐想 [m 05/14 10:30
[1;37m推 [33mromo [m[33m:mvp [m 05/14 10:30
[1;31m→ [33mGigiBuffon [m[33m:像足球一樣好了 假摔被發現就賞他一張黃..不對 一個T [m 05/14 10:30
[1;31m→ [33mnagisanoff [m[33m:http://youtu.be/JrBR_KPWVtE 恩.... [m 05/14 10:31
[1;31m→ [33mksk0516 [m[33m:失寵了 [m 05/14 10:32
[1;37m推 [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:MVP都已經頒了 [m 05/14 10:33
[1;37m推 [33md88647511 [m[33m:被隊板水桶的午午出來囉 [m 05/14 10:34
[1;31m→ [33mAlipapa [m[33m:果然是親雷派 熱火保重... [m 05/14 10:34
[1;31m→ [33mtruth76901 [m[33m:看熱火的比賽真的蠻有趣的 滿場倒XDDDDDDDD [m 05/14 10:34
[1;31m→ [33md88647511 [m[33m:看來在解桶前 n大會不斷的分享影片和外電 [m 05/14 10:35
[1;37m推 [33mMarxing [m[33m:LBJ- 史騰認證MVP影帝 [m 05/14 10:35
[1;37m推 [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:恭喜獲得影帝&MVP 雙冠王 [m 05/14 10:35
[1;31m噓 [33mfanrei [m[33m:搞什麼,講這種話太明顯了,好歹尊重一下新科MVP [m 05/14 10:35
[1;31m→ [33mfanrei [m[33m:真的想把NBA搞爛嗎 [m 05/14 10:36
[1;37m推 [33mWuZun [m[33m:先管管黑哨跟零容忍吧 [m 05/14 10:36
[1;37m推 [33mmrchica [m[33m:火雷裁判比較累吧 [m 05/14 10:36
[1;37m推 [33mwii128 [m[33m:現在流行的是 黑哨 [m 05/14 10:37
[1;31m→ [33mAlipapa [m[33m:雷也有一個JAMES也是超級假摔王 但雷有愛所以OK [m 05/14 10:37
[1;31m→ [33mspy9527 [m[33m:假摔界的霸主?那是什麼? [m 05/14 10:37
[1;37m推 [33mdennyhgtfrd [m[33m:那個連結感覺真的撞過去也不好吧... 不如先下手 [m 05/14 10:37
[1;37m推 [33mdwk [m[33m:那完了,史騰最愛捧的球星或球隊一堆假摔 [m 05/14 10:38
[1;37m推 [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:http://0rz.tw/VllCa 嗯嗯嗯........... [m 05/14 10:39
[1;37m推 [33mHsu1025 [m[33m:不演拿不到冠軍阿 [m 05/14 10:39
[1;37m推 [33mzxcv3147 [m[33m:雷霆神之假摔? [m 05/14 10:40
[1;37m推 [33mskyoo00 [m[33m:史上最會 走步&假摔 MVP [m 05/14 10:41
[1;37m推 [33mdwk [m[33m:反正最後還不是受寵的、政治正確的拿冠軍 [m 05/14 10:41
[1;37m推 [33moffish [m[33m:看來大兒子失寵了,冠軍戒會落在二兒子雷帝手上 [m 05/14 10:43
[1;37m推 [33mkullan [m[33m:糟糕 大皇子要被廢儲了 一場宮廷鬥爭不可免了 [m 05/14 10:44
[1;37m推 [33mtruth76901 [m[33m:所以今天頒的獎杯是 小金人 造型嗎 [m 05/14 10:47
[1;31m噓 [33mwhodahellami[m[33m:少裝了 你最假 [m 05/14 10:47
[1;31m噓 [33mmurray5566 [m[33m:james:你有必要這樣婊我嗎 [m 05/14 10:49
[1;31m→ [33mXobile [m[33m:gaz的影片 是今年4-0小牛? [m 05/14 10:50
[1;31m→ [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:不是 好像是例行賽的 [m 05/14 10:50
[1;31m→ [33mmurray5566 [m[33m:不是 你看上傳時間 是去年的 [m 05/14 10:50
[1;37m推 [33mskyoo00 [m[33m:不是寫得很請楚嗎去年西冠 [m 05/14 10:51
[1;31m→ [33mXobile [m[33m:感謝 [m 05/14 10:51
[1;31m噓 [33mbredka [m[33m:來不及了 你已經頒MVP給他了 [m 05/14 10:51
[1;31m→ [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:喔!! 我還以為是今年例行賽的哩 [m 05/14 10:52
[1;31m→ [33mshawncarter [m[33m:MVP XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [m 05/14 10:52
[1;31m→ [33mXobile [m[33m: This is game 1 of the WCF. 有了 [m 05/14 10:52
[1;31m→ [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:所以去年小牛奪冠 非常之利害 [m 05/14 10:53
[1;37m推 [33mJotard [m[33m:我想他只是就事論事 只是今天剛好頒獎而已 = =" [m 05/14 10:54
[1;37m推 [33mWizZ [m[33m:所以喇叭的獎座會被換成奧斯卡獎?? [m 05/14 10:56
The Miami Floppers
※ 編輯: sawkuanwoo 來自: (05/14 10:58)
[1;31m→ [33mhowsiao [m[33m:不過Stern的話很好笑, 第一句說要嚴肅看待, 最後一句 [m 05/14 10:58
[1;31m→ [33mhowsiao [m[33m:又變成開玩笑地話 [m 05/14 10:58
[1;37m推 [33mzerokonz [m[33m:XDDDD屎疼婊誰啊 [m 05/14 11:00
[1;31m→ [33mYamagiN [m[33m:可能前世是抹布之類的東西吧 怎麼一直在擦地板 [m 05/14 11:03
[1;37m推 [33mrealmiddle [m[33m:不能碰撞不能假摔 -> 比WNBA還不如 [m 05/14 11:03
[1;37m推 [33mKreen [m[33m:XD [m 05/14 11:03
[1;31m→ [33mneofire [m[33m:它應該是在酸LBJ吧,又不能不把獎給他,只好狂酸 [m 05/14 11:04
[1;37m推 [33mYamagiN [m[33m:那個影片Wade比LBJ誇張太多了 [m 05/14 11:05
[1;37m推 [33mhfi780 [m[33m:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihuOrQHSjWQ [m 05/14 11:07
[1;31m→ [33mhfi780 [m[33m:我還是覺得這個比較好笑 XDDD 還拋媚眼 [m 05/14 11:08
[1;37m推 [33mtruth76901 [m[33m:Wade 06摔到拿冠軍 上癮了... [m 05/14 11:08
[1;31m噓 [33mzzzaaaqqq111[m[33m:wade最好會假摔啦 [m 05/14 11:10
[1;31m→ [33mAlipapa [m[33m:這... 一定是有集體特訓過~ [m 05/14 11:11
[1;31m→ [33msawkuanwoo [m[33m:足球界有拉瑪西亞影院,籃球界有邁阿密奧斯卡劇院 [m 05/14 11:11
[1;37m推 [33mskyoo00 [m[33m:hi那連結超明顯假摔騙到裁判 還拋媚眼 [m 05/14 11:12
[1;37m推 [33maaronpwyu [m[33m:史騰故意頒給他酸嗎? XD [m 05/14 11:12
[1;37m推 [33matrabiliar31[m[33m:超酸 XDDDDD [m 05/14 11:12
[1;37m推 [33momi66 [m[33m:看完都覺得小牛能拿冠軍 超猛 = = [m 05/14 11:16
[1;37m推 [33mhotwei [m[33m:LBJ : ............... [m 05/14 11:16
[1;37m推 [33mtaker627 [m[33m:現在是親黑雷派了 [m 05/14 11:17
[1;37m推 [33mlouis152334 [m[33m:幹拐處理完再處理這個吧..... 這個至少不傷人 [m 05/14 11:18
[1;31m→ [33mpounil [m[33m:前面大家不是很討厭史騰 什麼收BG義子 保皇派 [m 05/14 11:23
[1;31m→ [33mmcjesus7204 [m[33m:屎疼這樣子公然跟NBA裁判為敵XD [m 05/14 11:24
[1;31m→ [33mpounil [m[33m:一句話就變純黑雷派了 笑死人的邏輯 [m 05/14 11:24
[1;37m推 [33mReebokAI [m[33m:小牛去年冠軍 實至名歸...=.=a [m 05/14 11:24
[1;37m推 [33mWizZ [m[33m:所以去年小牛的冠軍純度很高阿 打贏假摔哭哭隊 [m 05/14 11:25
[1;37m推 [33mirichwoman [m[33m:LBJ:............看我幹嘛? [m 05/14 11:25
[1;37m推 [33msinepitt [m[33m:實力不夠只好靠演戲 [m 05/14 11:26
[1;37m推 [33mgazelle74 [m[33m:以五打八奪得冠軍 去年小牛真的很強 [m 05/14 11:27
[1;37m推 [33mpowerjj [m[33m:這個明明就是在幫熱火解套= =一堆人為啥認為是在酸啊 [m 05/14 11:28
[1;37m推 [33mfffire404 [m[33m:如果不是誤判多的話..誰會去假摔阿... [m 05/14 11:31
[1;31m→ [33mfffire404 [m[33m:追根究底 還是裁判的問題阿..史騰 你說該怎麼辦 [m 05/14 11:31
[1;37m推 [33mwbush [m[33m:看來史藤比較疼雷帝!!! [m 05/14 11:32
[1;31m噓 [33msxing6326 [m[33m:只翻那段 擺明是想讓捧仙酸酸高潮的 [m 05/14 11:33
[1;31m→ [33msxing6326 [m[33m:誰叫捧仙酸酸程度差 [m 05/14 11:33
※ 編輯: sawkuanwoo 來自: (05/14 11:36)
[1;37m推 [33mchinhan1216 [m[33m:Stern真的不挺LBJ了喔... [m 05/14 11:36
[1;37m推 [33mkasumi28 [m[33m:靠 太扯了吧 那影片看完比雷霆還黑...... [m 05/14 11:47
[1;37m推 [33mfamilycut [m[33m:有幾球好像sbl的假摔 [m 05/14 11:47
[1;37m推 [33mnagisanoff [m[33m:科科 [m 05/14 11:49
[1;37m推 [33mKobeIchiro [m[33m:http://youtu.be/JZvw7yyS2Is 難怪被橫掃 [m 05/14 11:52
[1;31m→ [33mAlipapa [m[33m:樓上這球犯規 有事嗎?? [m 05/14 11:54
[1;37m推 [33mrkbey [m[33m:有些是賴犯規有些只是球員保護自己的動作 有些是假倒 [m 05/14 11:55
[1;37m推 [33mKobeIchiro [m[33m:阿里巴巴安安 放暑假了喔 [m 05/14 11:56
[1;31m→ [33msawkuanwoo [m[33m:摔的動作大了點 [m 05/14 11:57
[1;37m推 [33mpeace1way [m[33m:慘了,LA的假摔大隊也有危機了 [m 05/14 12:03
[1;37m推 [33mGTR34 [m[33m:樓上 那隻剛好轉到雷霆去了...... [m 05/14 12:11
[1;37m推 [33mAlfred [m[33m:有趣的是competition committee的反應吧,他們根本不 [m 05/14 12:16
[1;31m→ [33mAlfred [m[33m:覺得這是問題啊,Stern早就想開罰甚至禁賽了。 [m 05/14 12:17
[1;37m推 [33mCkMichael [m[33m:酸的不錯 [m 05/14 12:21
[1;31m→ [33mazndevil26 [m[33m:Wade: e04不要鬧了 LBJ拿MVP 奧斯卡影帝是我的!!! [m 05/14 12:23
[1;37m推 [33mTuChicken [m[33m:很明顯MVP只是譬喻吧;) [m 05/14 12:25
[1;37m推 [33mevan700607 [m[33m:如果改會判T就嚴重了 可以從先不吹假摔開始 [m 05/14 12:29