作者: sampsonlu919 (湖人最該自盡的人:顆比) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Boozer賽後發言 + Nike新科MVP廣告
時間: Sun May 13 21:14:14 2012
[1;37;46mQuote of the Day: Carlos Boozer gives Bulls fans another reason to hate him[m
I thought I played well, especially with the kind of season it was. We had
the best record again in basketball, won our division again, had the top seed
again, that's all that matters, yo
1.trade his boozin ass
2.Not winning the ring or getting bumped by the 8 seed or choking as the
number one scoring option by shooting 1-11 when your two top players went
down didn't matter or anything, yo. That's why you get paid 20 million a
year. Prepare to get traded or amnestied
3.You had the best record again, you finished top seed again but you also left
out didn't get that ring AGAIN..
4.3 points in the most important game, you overpaid fool
5.FUCK CARLOS BOOZER !!!!!!!!!!!!!! only thing he is interested in is himself.
Bulls should trade the idiot for nothing, and put Taj Gibson in the starting
line up and he will be quickly forgotten.
[1;37;40m交易掉,並且讓Taj Gibson站上先發,好讓我們快點忘記他![m
6.They wont amnesty him until at least after next season. Too much left n his
contract. Unfortunatelt, who in their right mind would trade for him? I'm
afraid it's going to pretty much be the same from him next year
7.the bulls cant trade him. no team want to have an overpaid, undersized and
old PF
8.Boozer, Watson Krover for Amare and Douglas
[1;37;40m寧願用Boozer, Watson Krover換尼克的阿罵與Douglas[m
9.what do you expect from this guy?
the 1 thing: make sure his hairline stops receding
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◆ From:
[1;37m推 [33mxbagayalox [m[33m:Booooooooooooooooooooooooo要討厭我! [m 05/13 21:15
[1;31m噓 [33mnewyee [m[33m:要是BOOZER待在去年的小牛就穩拿冠軍了...... [m 05/13 21:16
[1;37m推 [33mhihi29 [m[33m:第8點是尼克迷偷混進去嗎 [m 05/13 21:18
[1;37m推 [33mkenen [m[33m:寧願用Boozer, Watson Krover換尼克的阿罵與Douglas? [m 05/13 21:19
[1;37m推 [33mPiZ1129 [m[33m:果然大家都知道 LBJ 最在意的是髮線 [m 05/13 21:19
[1;37m推 [33mDASHOCK [m[33m:尼克:妳們要阿罵嗎 [m 05/13 21:19
[1;37m推 [33mClutchShot [m[33m:阿罵更貴耶... [m 05/13 21:23
[1;37m推 [33mdick58582001[m[33m:Boozer盡力了...傷兵真的害慘了公牛 [m 05/13 21:25
[1;37m推 [33mtliu223 [m[33m:典型的禍從口出… [m 05/13 21:27
[1;31m→ [33mshihchinlun [m[33m:快阿有人要阿罵,用送的都好 [m 05/13 21:27
[1;37m推 [33mjs2004nt [m[33m:尼克迷趁亂提交易XDD [m 05/13 21:28
[1;31m→ [33mangelmax [m[33m:這個搞不好雙方球迷都會說雙贏 XD [m 05/13 21:28
[1;37m推 [33mheero0333 [m[33m:阿罵季後賽會自動受傷耶 季賽也不怎樣 真的想要喔? [m 05/13 21:29
[1;37m推 [33mqtgeorge [m[33m:阿罵又不防守 去公牛幹嗎 [m 05/13 21:30
[1;37m推 [33moffish [m[33m:Boozer <--------> Amare 結果換了跟沒換一樣... [m 05/13 21:30
[1;31m→ [33mccl007 [m[33m:阿罵換布惹 雙贏 [m 05/13 21:32
[1;37m推 [33mlemon651 [m[33m:聯盟戰績最好明明馬刺 [m 05/13 21:33
[1;31m→ [33mtaboo00 [m[33m:阿罵或布瑟 互換手氣罷了XDD [m 05/13 21:33
[1;37m推 [33mkazamishu [m[33m:BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [m 05/13 21:44
[1;37m推 [33mwaderu [m[33m:尼克: 阿罵送你們就好, Boo用還我們了 [m 05/13 21:48
[1;37m推 [33myun0215 [m[33m:換不換?換不換??? [m 05/13 21:50
[1;37m推 [33mvlckcy [m[33m:換了更Boooooo好 [m 05/13 21:54
[1;37m推 [33mtmac03 [m[33m:booooooo今年打得還bo錯啊 [m 05/13 21:57
[1;31m→ [33mredken [m[33m:Boozer, Watson Krover for Amare and Douglas好提議 [m 05/13 21:58
[1;37m推 [33mspittz [m[33m:公牛不要的話給尼克好了!!XD [m 05/13 22:04
[1;37m推 [33mbfetter [m[33m:100%是尼克迷提的 [m 05/13 22:04
[1;37m推 [33mjerry5 [m[33m:乾脆去跟wnba換幾個內線進來吧 [m 05/13 22:05
[1;37m推 [33mincubus [m[33m:這個交易不錯 看誰的運氣好碰到他們爆發 [m 05/13 22:06
[1;37m推 [33mderric [m[33m:第8耶...分明是尼克迷 [m 05/13 22:08
[1;37m推 [33ms93rm6 [m[33m:Boozer跟Amare到底誰比較爛啊.... [m 05/13 22:14
[1;31m→ [33mjohnnyno [m[33m:...boozer也比阿罵好 [m 05/13 22:14
[1;37m推 [33mminamix [m[33m:Boozer不要亂講話本來大家還只記得糗阿罵而已說.... [m 05/13 22:19
[1;37m推 [33mkungfu [m[33m:Booooooooo要拿阿罵那種咖來比 [m 05/13 22:24
[1;37m推 [33mminamix [m[33m:借轉阿罵未來歸宿版 [m 05/13 22:24
※ [1;32mminamix[0;32m:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls[m 05/13 22:24
[1;31m噓 [33mj78724 [m[33m:紅明顯 要我我會換 至少換來一個會搶籃板和有單打 [m 05/13 22:36
[1;37m推 [33mlouis152334 [m[33m:一樣爛...... [m 05/13 22:36
[1;31m→ [33mj78724 [m[33m:技巧的前鋒 重點是它有腦袋 加上如果JR走了 需要 [m 05/13 22:37
[1;37m推 [33mgiunrz [m[33m:我打得boooooooooooo錯啊 [m 05/13 22:37
[1;31m→ [33mj78724 [m[33m:kover來當射手 這交易尼克穩賺不賠 瓜瓜絕對輕鬆 [m 05/13 22:37
[1;37m推 [33mj78724 [m[33m:而且又得到控衛跟純射手 把腦殘交易掉 超爽 [m 05/13 22:40
[1;31m→ [33mvlckcy [m[33m:誰跟你阿罵未來歸宿...... [m 05/13 22:41
[1;37m推 [33mcapirex [m[33m:可以大赦嗎? [m 05/13 22:42
[1;31m噓 [33mgogobala5566[m[33m:雖然Boozer根本比不上阿罵 但是kk跟cj太吸引人惹... [m 05/13 22:42
[1;31m→ [33mgogobala5566[m[33m:BOOZER除了籃板小贏 其他根本狂輸阿罵 阿罵淪落到跟 [m 05/13 22:43
[1;31m→ [33mgogobala5566[m[33m:他比.. [m 05/13 22:43
[1;37m推 [33mkohinata [m[33m:KK來 Novak就不用混了 人家可是比他強的射手 [m 05/13 22:49
[1;37m推 [33mminamix [m[33m:長的又像阿湯哥 [m 05/13 22:51
[1;37m推 [33mHsu1025 [m[33m:Boo準說我壞話 [m 05/13 22:51
[1;31m→ [33mCRAZYFAN [m[33m:Boo沒輸Amare太多吧 在爵士的時候不錯啊 [m 05/13 22:54
[1;37m推 [33mgogobala5566[m[33m:輸很多吧 阿罵本季濫成這樣都還有17.5分7.8籃板 [m 05/13 22:58
[1;31m→ [33mgogobala5566[m[33m:Boozre才15分 8.5籃板.....阿罵就是壞在太貴 [m 05/13 22:58
[1;31m→ [33mlouis152334 [m[33m:差不多吧.... 不過Boo籃板不會是3 [m 05/13 22:58
[1;37m推 [33mairbear [m[33m:Boozer>Amare 無庸置疑 光是防守就 [m 05/13 23:15
[1;37m推 [33mWAYNE1989 [m[33m:明明就像艾希頓庫奇 [m 05/13 23:19
[1;37m推 [33mbfetter [m[33m:Korver是長得像Kutcher吧 [m 05/13 23:23
[1;37m推 [33ms66449 [m[33m:booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [m 05/13 23:28
[1;37m推 [33massail [m[33m:換換看啊 搞不好兩個都可以找到真愛 [m 05/13 23:42
[1;31m→ [33mrosebulls [m[33m:boo合約也不是2000萬,是五年80m [m 05/13 23:54
[1;37m推 [33mflyintmtc [m[33m:Boozer明明到最後都是他在稱,為何被罵那麼凶 = = [m 05/13 23:54
[1;31m→ [33mrosebulls [m[33m:11-12球季是1350萬 下季1500萬 比阿罵便宜多了 [m 05/13 23:55
[1;31m→ [33mdanieljaw [m[33m:球員最可嘆之事莫過於被本隊球迷噓...哭哭~ [m 05/14 00:09
[1;37m推 [33mGANZ [m[33m:http://ppt.cc/d8K9 http://ppt.cc/r1BI [m 05/14 00:29
[1;31m→ [33mGANZ [m[33m:http://ppt.cc/cyhQ 更多booooozer [m 05/14 00:29
[1;37m推 [33mmrchica [m[33m:KK躺著也中槍 [m 05/14 00:48
[1;37m推 [33mredplum [m[33m:Boozer Quote of the Year!!! [m 05/14 01:32
[1;37m推 [33mChrisPaul03 [m[33m:借轉爵士板 [m 05/14 06:58
※ [1;32mChrisPaul03[0;32m:轉錄至看板 UTAH-JAZZ[m 05/14 06:59
[1;31m→ [33mmarktoast [m[33m:BOO要可以還我們阿爵阿XDDD 8M給你,BOO要回來 [m 05/14 07:41
[1;37m推 [33mleo255112 [m[33m:BOO就傭兵阿,沒什麼忠誠可言 [m 05/14 10:28