作者: honningsvag (aa) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] ESPN頭條報道林書豪談及種族歧視
時間: Sun Apr 7 04:26:44 2013
Jeremy Lin cites college race 'barrier'
Updated: April 6, 2013, 4:11 PM ET
By Mike Mazzeo
Jeremy Lin thinks he would have been offered a Division I basketball schola
rship -- if he wasn't Asian-American.
Lin, now the starting point guard for the Houston Rockets, led Palo Alto (Ca
lif.) High School to a 32-1 record and a state championship in 2005-06, aver
aging 15.1 points, 7.1 assists, 6.2 rebounds and 5.0 steals per game.
But despite being named first-team All-State and Northern California Divisio
n II Player of the Year, local schools like Stanford and UCLA passed on the
6-foot-3 Lin.
"Well, I think the obvious thing in my mind is that I was Asian-American, wh
ich, you know, is a whole different issue but ... I think that was a barrier
," Lin told Charlie Rose in a "60 Minutes" interview that will air Sunday ni
"I mean ... it's a stereotype."
Lin ended up at Harvard University, where he was twice named to the All-Ivy
League first team. He went undrafted out of college, but impressed in the NB
A Summer League and signed with the Golden State Warriors in 2010.
Did race play a factor in why Lin wasn't drafted, too?
"I think in the true sense the answer to that is yes," NBA commissioner Davi
d Stern told Rose, according to CBSNews.com.
"In terms of looking at somebody ... I don't know whether he was discriminat
ed against because he was at Harvard," Stern said with a laugh, according to
CBSNews.com. "Or because he was Asian."
Lin bounced around from there before making his mark seemingly out of nowher
e with the New York Knicks last season, spawning the "Linsanity" craze. In 3
5 games with the Knicks, Lin averaged 14.6 points, 6.2 assists and 3.1 rebou
Lin signed a three-year, $25.1 million offer sheet with the Rockets in the o
ffseason, which the Knicks chose not to match. In his first full season as a
starter, Lin, 24, is averaging 13.1 points, 6.1 assists and 3.0 rebounds in
76 games for Houston.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 airjaguar :stern還真會講話,回的真好笑~ 04/07 04:46
推 hahaha613 :恩恩 原來是這樣 04/07 04:59
推 WilliamChau :翻譯一下好妹? 04/07 05:01
推 James1114 :喔原來如此,難怪! 04/07 05:24
推 hinenak :基本上整篇沒啥重點,Lin和Stern的談話都是圓場居多 04/07 05:33
推 nickyang :不能說的秘密 04/07 05:55
→ kauw :這在美國是事實 但最好不要公開講 林膽子不小 雙面刃 04/07 06:13
推 mackulkov :他只說barrier 沒有用discriminate這個字眼 04/07 06:15
→ FairyBomb :大概只有不食人間煙火的鄉民才覺得世界上沒有種族歧 04/07 06:16
→ FairyBomb :視這種事 04/07 06:16
推 kauw :連台灣人都在岐視東南亞這些輸出的外勞 04/07 06:19
推 k5a :林用詞很委婉 04/07 06:56
推 ccpz :在台灣人停止歧視外勞前, 沒資格抗議被西方歧視 04/07 08:11
推 milvus :還好啦 這些linsanity的時候就知道了 04/07 08:13
推 zack0211 :在美國還是有的 只是不會明講 有時候是氣氛 04/07 08:16
推 radiodept :台灣人沒資格說人歧視,看看上面女性要打nba的推文 04/07 08:21
推 VASTSKY :全世界都有歧視,所以全世界都沒資格說別人歧視? 04/07 08:34
→ MarkFung :沙文主義者當然自認有資格說人歧視 他們把自己當神 04/07 08:43
→ MarkFung :還有,我覺得全世界中喜歡歧視別人的人 的確沒資格 04/07 08:44
→ MarkFung :再吠別人歧視 當然喜歡打自己臉的除外 04/07 08:44
噓 sxing6326 :為啥台灣沒資格 一堆偽善者真他媽的好笑 04/07 08:45
推 bben900911 :外籍移工。再次感謝 04/07 09:02
推 bben900911 :另外難到那些移民移工的原籍國 04/07 09:05
推 bben900911 :有歧視問題在,他們就沒資格抗議他們的處境? 04/07 09:07
推 miha80425 :我歧視外勞阿 但不代表我討厭什麼印尼人泰國人菲律人 04/07 10:37
→ miha80425 :他們的行為實在過於目中無人 火車上吵得要死 04/07 10:38
→ radiodept :偽善者比起某些歧視還不知羞恥的人好多了 04/07 10:59
→ radiodept :更別提還有人討厭和歧視分不出來 這版果然奇才滿布 04/07 11:00
→ poswem :連台灣自己人都會想酸林書豪,台灣人就是自卑 04/07 17:04
推 RIFF : 話太多........... 04/07 17:24
標題: [外絮] ESPN頭條報道林書豪談及種族歧視
時間: Sun Apr 7 04:26:44 2013
Jeremy Lin cites college race 'barrier'
Updated: April 6, 2013, 4:11 PM ET
By Mike Mazzeo
Jeremy Lin thinks he would have been offered a Division I basketball schola
rship -- if he wasn't Asian-American.
Lin, now the starting point guard for the Houston Rockets, led Palo Alto (Ca
lif.) High School to a 32-1 record and a state championship in 2005-06, aver
aging 15.1 points, 7.1 assists, 6.2 rebounds and 5.0 steals per game.
But despite being named first-team All-State and Northern California Divisio
n II Player of the Year, local schools like Stanford and UCLA passed on the
6-foot-3 Lin.
"Well, I think the obvious thing in my mind is that I was Asian-American, wh
ich, you know, is a whole different issue but ... I think that was a barrier
," Lin told Charlie Rose in a "60 Minutes" interview that will air Sunday ni
"I mean ... it's a stereotype."
Lin ended up at Harvard University, where he was twice named to the All-Ivy
League first team. He went undrafted out of college, but impressed in the NB
A Summer League and signed with the Golden State Warriors in 2010.
Did race play a factor in why Lin wasn't drafted, too?
"I think in the true sense the answer to that is yes," NBA commissioner Davi
d Stern told Rose, according to CBSNews.com.
"In terms of looking at somebody ... I don't know whether he was discriminat
ed against because he was at Harvard," Stern said with a laugh, according to
CBSNews.com. "Or because he was Asian."
Lin bounced around from there before making his mark seemingly out of nowher
e with the New York Knicks last season, spawning the "Linsanity" craze. In 3
5 games with the Knicks, Lin averaged 14.6 points, 6.2 assists and 3.1 rebou
Lin signed a three-year, $25.1 million offer sheet with the Rockets in the o
ffseason, which the Knicks chose not to match. In his first full season as a
starter, Lin, 24, is averaging 13.1 points, 6.1 assists and 3.0 rebounds in
76 games for Houston.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 airjaguar :stern還真會講話,回的真好笑~ 04/07 04:46
推 hahaha613 :恩恩 原來是這樣 04/07 04:59
推 WilliamChau :翻譯一下好妹? 04/07 05:01
推 James1114 :喔原來如此,難怪! 04/07 05:24
推 hinenak :基本上整篇沒啥重點,Lin和Stern的談話都是圓場居多 04/07 05:33
推 nickyang :不能說的秘密 04/07 05:55
→ kauw :這在美國是事實 但最好不要公開講 林膽子不小 雙面刃 04/07 06:13
推 mackulkov :他只說barrier 沒有用discriminate這個字眼 04/07 06:15
→ FairyBomb :大概只有不食人間煙火的鄉民才覺得世界上沒有種族歧 04/07 06:16
→ FairyBomb :視這種事 04/07 06:16
推 kauw :連台灣人都在岐視東南亞這些輸出的外勞 04/07 06:19
推 k5a :林用詞很委婉 04/07 06:56
推 ccpz :在台灣人停止歧視外勞前, 沒資格抗議被西方歧視 04/07 08:11
推 milvus :還好啦 這些linsanity的時候就知道了 04/07 08:13
推 zack0211 :在美國還是有的 只是不會明講 有時候是氣氛 04/07 08:16
推 radiodept :台灣人沒資格說人歧視,看看上面女性要打nba的推文 04/07 08:21
推 VASTSKY :全世界都有歧視,所以全世界都沒資格說別人歧視? 04/07 08:34
→ MarkFung :沙文主義者當然自認有資格說人歧視 他們把自己當神 04/07 08:43
→ MarkFung :還有,我覺得全世界中喜歡歧視別人的人 的確沒資格 04/07 08:44
→ MarkFung :再吠別人歧視 當然喜歡打自己臉的除外 04/07 08:44
噓 sxing6326 :為啥台灣沒資格 一堆偽善者真他媽的好笑 04/07 08:45
推 bben900911 :外籍移工。再次感謝 04/07 09:02
推 bben900911 :另外難到那些移民移工的原籍國 04/07 09:05
推 bben900911 :有歧視問題在,他們就沒資格抗議他們的處境? 04/07 09:07
推 miha80425 :我歧視外勞阿 但不代表我討厭什麼印尼人泰國人菲律人 04/07 10:37
→ miha80425 :他們的行為實在過於目中無人 火車上吵得要死 04/07 10:38
→ radiodept :偽善者比起某些歧視還不知羞恥的人好多了 04/07 10:59
→ radiodept :更別提還有人討厭和歧視分不出來 這版果然奇才滿布 04/07 11:00
→ poswem :連台灣自己人都會想酸林書豪,台灣人就是自卑 04/07 17:04
推 RIFF : 話太多........... 04/07 17:24