作者: wtfru (嘿嘿) 看板: NBA
標題: [情報] 湖人簽下Chris Douglas-Roberts
時間: Tue Oct 2 11:31:30 2012
消息來源: http://tinyurl.com/962c7t4
The Los Angeles Lakers have signed forward Chris Douglas-Roberts, it was
announced today. Per team policy, terms of the agreement were not released.
湖人在媒體日簽下Chris Douglas-Roberts
Douglas-Roberts, a three-year NBA veteran out of the University of Memphis,
was originally selected by the then-New Jersey Nets in the second round (40th
overall) of the 2008 NBA Draft. Douglas-Roberts has appeared in 155 NBA games
(53 starts) for the Nets and the Milwaukee Bucks, recording career averages
of 7.7 points and 2.2 rebounds in 20.6 minutes.
Most recently, the 6-7 forward spent the 2011-12 season playing for Virtus
Bologna of the Italian League. In 34 games, Douglas-Roberts averaged 12.3
points and 3.0 rebounds in 27.0 minutes.
2011-2012在義大利聯盟中平均上場27分鐘得到12.3分 3籃板
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 CarlosArroyo :有點補 10/02 11:33
推 richard1003 :他得和Ebanks及Clark競爭 10/02 11:34
推 kerry0496x :湖人需要年輕人 10/02 11:35
推 swordmr20 :這隻之前好像有消失一陣子 10/02 11:37
推 kiddgogogo :這隻剛進聯盟還蠻猛的 10/02 11:40
推 Amilous :比較好奇是底薪嗎 10/02 11:41
推 evomichael :說不定只是訓練營約XD 10/02 11:42
推 ed6410 :cdr滿猛的耶,如果又底薪也太補 10/02 11:45
推 otter :CD-R 10/02 11:47
推 powerjj :非常好奇湖人開價多少給他,而且他還肯接受 10/02 11:51
→ EndlessYearn :很好用之前怎麼都沒人簽? 10/02 11:52
推 clkdtm32 :2K11這隻還蠻猛的... 10/02 11:54
推 richard1003 :http://0rz.tw/Wh86t 訓練營約 10/02 11:55
推 Kerry906 :好補! 10/02 11:56
推 RobertAlexy :CDR很威耶 這很補 10/02 12:00
※ noodles73:轉錄至看板 Lakers 10/02 12:00
推 kuluma :身體素質差、防守爛、態度有問題、進聯盟後沒成長 10/02 12:02
→ kuluma :基本上就是簽來試試看還能不能用而已。 10/02 12:03
推 hankkchang :這隻好用 10/02 12:11
推 wangkun :湖人不會虧 賺到了 10/02 12:14
→ ul4fm4xk7 :所以是身體素質差、防守爛的Bynum? 10/02 12:26
推 sweetcorncan :這隻身體素質不強 但拿來幹分算好用 10/02 12:27
→ popstarkirby :當初籃網捧他捧超大 10/02 12:43
→ hydra6716 :打2.3號的,跟bynum啥關聯? 10/02 12:46
→ hydra6716 :當替補搶分算是不錯 10/02 12:46
推 McRoberts :CDR單打動作很帥 外線不穩速度慢防守差的搖擺人 10/02 12:56
推 siyuen :CDR終於又回來了,希望他能有好發展 10/02 12:57
→ McRoberts :強項是中距離手感好(Hamilton) 持球能力穩(Melo) 10/02 12:58
推 KobeIchiro :這隻態度有問題阿 10/02 13:19
→ a34567 :湖人簽一塊木頭也是湖人賺到 10/02 13:30
推 s80454 :湖人簽酸酸也是湖人賺阿 10/02 13:36
→ tshuang0611 :湖人簽CDR來放老大的A片 10/02 13:41
※ AhUtopian:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 10/02 13:59
推 vick6339 :湖人搶劫! 10/02 15:05
推 eipduolc :靠 開外掛 10/02 15:45
推 caesst85149 :我記得他有3場砍過30分的比賽 10/02 15:49
→ caesst85149 :Basketball Reference暫時沒辦法查 等等再確認 10/02 15:49
推 jayjen :終於有苦功球員了 10/02 16:21
推 capirex :堪用的替補 不錯! 10/02 23:27
推 flyintmtc :我絕得還不錯 10/03 01:44
標題: [情報] 湖人簽下Chris Douglas-Roberts
時間: Tue Oct 2 11:31:30 2012
消息來源: http://tinyurl.com/962c7t4
The Los Angeles Lakers have signed forward Chris Douglas-Roberts, it was
announced today. Per team policy, terms of the agreement were not released.
湖人在媒體日簽下Chris Douglas-Roberts
Douglas-Roberts, a three-year NBA veteran out of the University of Memphis,
was originally selected by the then-New Jersey Nets in the second round (40th
overall) of the 2008 NBA Draft. Douglas-Roberts has appeared in 155 NBA games
(53 starts) for the Nets and the Milwaukee Bucks, recording career averages
of 7.7 points and 2.2 rebounds in 20.6 minutes.
Most recently, the 6-7 forward spent the 2011-12 season playing for Virtus
Bologna of the Italian League. In 34 games, Douglas-Roberts averaged 12.3
points and 3.0 rebounds in 27.0 minutes.
2011-2012在義大利聯盟中平均上場27分鐘得到12.3分 3籃板
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 CarlosArroyo :有點補 10/02 11:33
推 richard1003 :他得和Ebanks及Clark競爭 10/02 11:34
推 kerry0496x :湖人需要年輕人 10/02 11:35
推 swordmr20 :這隻之前好像有消失一陣子 10/02 11:37
推 kiddgogogo :這隻剛進聯盟還蠻猛的 10/02 11:40
推 Amilous :比較好奇是底薪嗎 10/02 11:41
推 evomichael :說不定只是訓練營約XD 10/02 11:42
推 ed6410 :cdr滿猛的耶,如果又底薪也太補 10/02 11:45
推 otter :CD-R 10/02 11:47
推 powerjj :非常好奇湖人開價多少給他,而且他還肯接受 10/02 11:51
→ EndlessYearn :很好用之前怎麼都沒人簽? 10/02 11:52
推 clkdtm32 :2K11這隻還蠻猛的... 10/02 11:54
推 richard1003 :http://0rz.tw/Wh86t 訓練營約 10/02 11:55
推 Kerry906 :好補! 10/02 11:56
推 RobertAlexy :CDR很威耶 這很補 10/02 12:00
※ noodles73:轉錄至看板 Lakers 10/02 12:00
推 kuluma :身體素質差、防守爛、態度有問題、進聯盟後沒成長 10/02 12:02
→ kuluma :基本上就是簽來試試看還能不能用而已。 10/02 12:03
推 hankkchang :這隻好用 10/02 12:11
推 wangkun :湖人不會虧 賺到了 10/02 12:14
→ ul4fm4xk7 :所以是身體素質差、防守爛的Bynum? 10/02 12:26
推 sweetcorncan :這隻身體素質不強 但拿來幹分算好用 10/02 12:27
→ popstarkirby :當初籃網捧他捧超大 10/02 12:43
→ hydra6716 :打2.3號的,跟bynum啥關聯? 10/02 12:46
→ hydra6716 :當替補搶分算是不錯 10/02 12:46
推 McRoberts :CDR單打動作很帥 外線不穩速度慢防守差的搖擺人 10/02 12:56
推 siyuen :CDR終於又回來了,希望他能有好發展 10/02 12:57
→ McRoberts :強項是中距離手感好(Hamilton) 持球能力穩(Melo) 10/02 12:58
推 KobeIchiro :這隻態度有問題阿 10/02 13:19
→ a34567 :湖人簽一塊木頭也是湖人賺到 10/02 13:30
推 s80454 :湖人簽酸酸也是湖人賺阿 10/02 13:36
→ tshuang0611 :湖人簽CDR來放老大的A片 10/02 13:41
※ AhUtopian:轉錄至看板 ChicagoBulls 10/02 13:59
推 vick6339 :湖人搶劫! 10/02 15:05
推 eipduolc :靠 開外掛 10/02 15:45
推 caesst85149 :我記得他有3場砍過30分的比賽 10/02 15:49
→ caesst85149 :Basketball Reference暫時沒辦法查 等等再確認 10/02 15:49
推 jayjen :終於有苦功球員了 10/02 16:21
推 capirex :堪用的替補 不錯! 10/02 23:27
推 flyintmtc :我絕得還不錯 10/03 01:44